Track Categories
The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.
Oncogenomics: It is a branch of the genomics which deals with the role of genes in Cancer. This involves studying how the behaviour of the genes gives raise to the Cancer Cells. These studies involve how the cancer genes replicate, Transcript and Translate in each cells. Often mutation in these genes results into Cancer. So it becomes very important to study the behaviour of these genes to understand Cancer.
Metabolomics: Metabolomics is the field of science which involves the study of Chemical Processes involving metabolites. Each cell in an Organism/system will be carrying out many chemical processes at the cellular level. The study of these chemical processes will reveal the action of the cancer cells.
It is also believed that Inheritance also plays a major role in developing Normal cells into Cancer/Tumor Cells.
All the organs in the human Body can be affected by the Cancer. To list some organ specific Cancers – Brain Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Heart Cancer, Throat Cancer etc..
Once an organ is completely affected by the Cancer then the cancer cells are free to move and affect surrounding cells.
Till date more than 200 types of the cancers have been identified by the researchers. The level of threat also depends upon the area/Organ affected by Cancer.
It is considered to be the most common Cancer among humans, if not at least among the women Population. According to a Survey conducted in 2015 around 2.1 Million people were affected by this and among this population 5.3 lack were killed. First appears like a typical lump in the breast tissues, which later undergoes metastasis and invades all other cells in the Breast.
Most likely factors responsible for the Breast Cancer are Smoking, Lifestyle and Inheritance.
This is the hot topic among the Cancer Researchers around the globe for last few years. It is to be noted that even after so much researches the numbers associated with this have been increasing. This is considered to be due to less known facts and less awareness among the people.
Also known as Lung Carcinoma is the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells in the Lungs. These cancer cells are malignant in nature hence there is risk that these cells. By the process of Metastasis, move into other organs. This is most common cancer diagnosed among men. Often lung cancer is associated with the people who smoke.
Carcinogens present in the Tobacco and other products which people consume result in mutation in the cancer genes and yield cancer cells. The pollution also have been playing major role in causing lung cancer. Many of the Carcinogens are also present in the air which when consumed will result in giving raise to Cancer Cells.
Biomarker is a general term used for the Biological Compounds which are used to detect any disease or abnormality in organisms.
In cancer research biomarkers are usually adopted to identify the tumor cells. It is also understood that the cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and epidemiology can adopt Biomarkers for detection.
Biomarkers are used to diagnose the condition, to forecast the aggressiveness of a cancer and interpret how a person can respond to the treatment/therapy.
In most organs and tissues of a mature animal, a balance is maintained between cell renewal and cell death. The various types of mature cells in the body have a given life span; as these cells die, new cells are generated by the proliferation and differentiation of various types of stem cells. This cell growth and proliferation are essential for wound healing and homeostasis. Under normal circumstances in the adult, the production of new cells is regulated so that the number of any particular type of cell remains fairly constant. Occasionally, however, cells arise that no longer respond to normal growth control mechanisms; these cells proliferate in an unregulated manner, giving rise to cancer
Screening is process where identification of cancer is done prior to the appearance of the symptoms. This so far has proved very useful in early detection of the Cancers. There are different methods of screening adopted to detect the cancer cells in early stages, which include- CT Scans, MRI Scans, Biopsies etc…
Clinical Trials are a set of procedures where a certain drug is subjected to the population under consideration and their response to that drug is noticed.
In this ever-growing research field, it becomes very important to conduct Clinical Trials to see whether a Drug really satisfies all the expectations and cures the disease or not. If it is successful, it will result in an end product which saves millions of lives.
Awareness among people to join the Clinical Trials has been on raise from past few years.
Clinical Researches has led to great advancements in prevention and curing of the cancers. However it can’t be ignored that many of the population are put under risk while testing these drugs. Despite the success of these drug molecules the fact can’t be denied that they can also lead to death of the people under consideration. When a life is put under risk, there arise the ethical issues, whether to consider Human Beings for Clinical Trials or not. Over the years this field has been an attraction for a lot of arguments.
Once a patient is affected by cancer, it is left to each individual whether they chose to undergo treatment or live the rest of the life as it is. Once the patient undergoes treatment for the cancer, patients may be affected on the grounds of Physical, Psychological or social life. In such cases rehabilitation of the cancer patients becomes very important.
Rehabilitation can help us reach the goals like:
-Increasing Physical Strength
-Increasing the ability of the patient to take care of themselves.
-Adjust to the changes they have undergone
-Reduce Anxiety and depression among the patients
On contrary to the Conventional methods Novel methods in Cancer Therapeutics use many potential methods like use of Ligands, Molecular Targeting, Gene editing etc. These methods have proved efficient in controlling the cancerous cells. However these methods are considered to be very expensive. Often people cannot afford the costs involved in this.
In the recent years, methods like immunotherapy also have gained great acknowledgement. With the use of Cytokines researchers have been able to kill the tumor cells.
A Case report is a record where the data learnt after a study is kept. These reports help us to analyse the conditions similar to that of the present one. They also help us to know the behavioural changes that occur when someone is affected by cancer.
Usually a person under consideration for a study is take care here. All the information about their sickness, drug dose, regime and the lifestyle are noted in here, these are used as a future reference for the same studies or studies related to the previous one.
Oncology Nursing care is a group of settings including extreme care specialist's offices, wandering consideration focus, private oncologist's workplaces, radiation treatment offices, home social insurance associations, and group organizations. The role of people performing Oncology Nursing consists of different jobs. The main motto of these people is to Motivate, supports morally, physically and psychologically.
Cancer Management and prevention doesn’t remain same for all the cases. This mainly depends on the factors like type and stage of Cancer, age, health and additional health characteristics of the individual.
Cancer Management is performed in many different ways like, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, or gene therapy etc…
Cancer Prevention is done by creating Awareness among the people about the possible carcinogens, how one’s lifestyle can trigger cancer genes and early detection of the benign cancer.
These are the medical products which are either used along with the Conventional Medicines or provided as a particular dose and regime. These mainly comprise of Herbs. Though the action is considered to be very slow they are often proved to be very effective without any side-effects. Many Alternative Medicines have undergone certification and are being used in the current scenario.
Cancer Pharmacology is a branch of Pharmacology which deals with/concentrates on creating trial ways to deal with the clinical treatment of tumor through research that extends to the fields of Molecular carcinogenesis, biochemical pharmacology, radiation science, and clinical pharmacology.
This often involves testing chemical and biological products which can be used as a possible destroyer of the Cancer Cells. Also this involves testing on the Animal Models and Patients.
Most underestimated but the most significant factor in Carcinogenesis is the lifestyle of the people. Many researches have already proven that, the lifestyle of a person do have a great influence in activating the Cancer genes which ultimately gives raise to the cancer cells.
Factors like diet, daily schedules, exercise and place of living do affect carcinogenesis.
According to a report from telegraph, 9 out of 10 cancers are caused by Lifestyle. This shows how important it is to have a good lifestyle to prevent cancer.
Pharmacology is the study of Action of Drugs. This subject deals with how these drug molecules enter the body, Interact with the body, Affect the host system, Affect the foreign bodies, pathogens, its dynamics and how it is removed out from the body.
This involves many others topics such as- Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacogenomics etc…
It is very well known fact that one size doesn’t fit all. The genetic makeup of the each individual is different and the way drugs react to those genes keep on changing from individual to individuals.
Often this change in action proves to be lethal in many individuals. Worldwide many hospitalizations and death occur due to the adverse effect of the drugs. In the recent days it has been in practice to develop the drugs specific to the genetic makeup of the patient to yield better results.
This is proven to be a promising field of Pharmacy.
In the simple terms this is the study of Drugs of natural Origin. This field of science take into consideration how a chemical, physical or a biological compounds which are derived from the Nature acts in an individual’s body.
The way it enters the body, interact with the host and foreign body are taken into consideration. Though this branch of science has been in practice since a long time people are turning toward this in the recent days after learning how good and safe they are compared to the Industrial Pharmaceutics.
Clinical Research is a branch of science which deals with the aspects like how good is a drug molecule for the use of Individual on target. Clinical Research comprises of many phases where a drug is molecules are examined with the help of computational tools and then later they are approved for the trials on the animals and human.
The experiments performed on the animals and humans are termed as Clinical Trials, which is considered to be the last and the crucial step in the Drug development cycle. Once the drug is proven to be effective and not harmful, it is approved to be released into the market.
Clinical Data Management is the strategy of gathering, cleaning, coordination and organization of subject data in consistence with authoritative rules. It is an essential stage in clinical research, which prompts time of high bore, trustworthy, and quantifiably stable data from clinical trials, this has been energized by the usage of programming applications that keep up an audit trail and give basic recognizing evidence and assurance of data incongruities. CDM also supports the immediate, organization and examination of concentrates over the scope of clinical research. An authoritative goal of CDM is to ensure that data support conclusions drawn from examine. Achieving this target guarantees general prosperity and trust in promoted therapeutics.
Pharmacology is a branch of Healthcare which deals with action of drugs in individuals. With the constantly changing and advancing technology, pharmacology also has been revolutionizing in a rapid manner. These innovations are proving to be the main factor for the healthier globe and better life expectancy.
In the Conventional Method of curing a disease, a series of herbs were given to the patient and one with the positive results is kept in practice. But the advancements in the Technology have given rise to many methods which helps in developing effective drugs.
In the recent days first reason for the illness is determined then through available computational tools many possible target molecules are identified and are subjected to trials. The molecule which succeeds in destroying the target cells is modified and developed which then used on animal models and patients respectively after certification.
In scientific terms Cancer, also referred as Tumor, is the uncontrolled and abnormal growth of the Cells in any living being. Often these cells have the capability of invading the other cells present in the organism. Study of Cancer is coined as Oncology and study of the behaviour of the Cancer cells inside an Organism is termed as Cancer Biology.
Cancer Biology helps us in understanding why the cells divide in abnormal manner, when and what are the possible consequences of this. This study also helps us in Prevention and Curing of the Oncogenesis.
Study of the behaviour of these Cancer Cells involves many approaches. Most of the times Cancer Biology is studied taking animal models into consideration. Many of the Ground-breaking innovations in Cancer Studies are brought after understanding the behaviour of these Cancer Cells.